Australian warplanes to begin strikes against Islamic State targets

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, 2 October 2014

Australian warplanes will join air strikes on Islamic State (IS) militants in Iraq, Prime Minister Tony Abbott has announced.

Six F/A-18 Super Hornet fighter jets have been on standby in the Middle East for two weeks in preparation for joining the US-led attacks on IS targets.

The National Security Committee of Cabinet met earlier this morning, followed by a full Cabinet meeting, before the public announcement was made.

"It is in our national interest that we do so. It is in the interests of civilisation that we do so. It is in everyone's best interests that the murderous rage of the ISIL death cult be checked and rolled back," Mr Abbott said.

more: Australian warplanes to begin strikes against Islamic State targets

Australian warplanes will join air strikes on Islamic State (IS) militants in Iraq, Prime Minister Tony Abbott has announced.

Six F/A-18 Super Hornet fighter jets have been on standby in the Middle East for two weeks in preparation for joining the US-led attacks on IS targets.

The National Security Committee of Cabinet met earlier this morning, followed by a full Cabinet meeting, before the public announcement was made.

"It is in our national interest that we do so. It is in the interests of civilisation that we do so. It is in everyone's best interests that the murderous rage of the ISIL death cult be checked and rolled back," Mr Abbott said.

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