Veteran MP tweets anger over preselection dumping

Posted by Unknown on Friday, 3 October 2014

Moggill MP Bruce Flegg has tweeted his anger about the LNP hierarchy deciding he will not be preselected for his seat for the next Queensland election.

Deputy Premier Jeff Seeney had said earlier he was confident Dr Flegg would remain a loyal member of the parliamentary team until the election.

The future of two other MPs was discussed at a lengthy meeting of the LNP executive today, with Peter Dowling and Ros Bates being kept as candidates.

Dr Flegg later voiced his anger over the decision on Twitter, saying: "LNP membership of Moggill have been denied the right to chose their representative".

more: Veteran MP tweets anger over preselection dumping

Moggill MP Bruce Flegg has tweeted his anger about the LNP hierarchy deciding he will not be preselected for his seat for the next Queensland election.

Deputy Premier Jeff Seeney had said earlier he was confident Dr Flegg would remain a loyal member of the parliamentary team until the election.

The future of two other MPs was discussed at a lengthy meeting of the LNP executive today, with Peter Dowling and Ros Bates being kept as candidates.

Dr Flegg later voiced his anger over the decision on Twitter, saying: "LNP membership of Moggill have been denied the right to chose their representative".

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